Ritual Thanka | FAQs


1. How do I know if my order has been shipped?

If you have provided us with a valid email address, you will receive an email from us when we have shipped your order. At the same time we will provide you the DHL or ARAMEX Tracking No. so that you can track the delivery status of your order.

2. How long will it take for my order to be shipped?

Orders are usually processed within 36 hours after receiving the payment. If we are unable to process your order by any chance, we will attempt to first reach you via email, then either by telephone or traditional mail. We will also try to contact you if there are any other problems with your order.

3. How can I check the status of an order?

To check the status of your order, please refer to DHL or ARAMEX website and click on "Track Order" to see the status of your order or send us an email, referencing your order number to info@ritualthanka.com

4. What if part of my order is not available?

After you have placed your order, if for some reason an item is not available to ship, then will be cancelled from your order. We will attempt to notify you via email first, then by either telephone or traditional mail, that an item has been cancelled from your order. You will not be charged for any item that is not shipped.

5. How soon will I receive my order?

Your order will be shipped from our warehouse within 36 hrs upon receiving the payment.

6. Do you offer wholesale?

Yes! We offer wholesale for those who would like to buy in bulk.

7. May I order by phone?

We are more than glad to inform you that you can now order on the go. You could choose various applications like viber, wechat or whatsapp whichever is more suitable to you and place your order indicating the item code to the customer service number provided in our website.


5 Reviews
Write Review




First, I want to say that customer service is more than 100 points and was so good! I bought two higher-quality thangkas, and the quality of the brocade is so unique. Of course, the thangkas are so beautiful. I would 100% recommend it to all my best thangka friends. I wish Ritual Thanka all the best.

Great service by Ritual Thanka, loved the communication and fast delivery.

Great experience ordering from here

Beautiful Thangka! The colours, the details of the painting, the brocate - everything is beautiful. Top and very gentle service, thank you!

super sweet thanka for a child

An absolutely phenomenal thangka: among the highest quality thangkas I've been blessed to acquire. The quality of the painting is truly stunning, and the brocade is also of the highest order. A joy to receive! The seller is also very kind, attentive, and helpful. All around a pleasure to support this shop, and I look forward to purchasing from them again in the future!

Beautiful Thangkas .. Fantastic service! I am most grateful...

Whoops, looks like something went wrong.

(1/1) ErrorException

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at HandleExceptions->handleError(2, 'file_put_contents(/home/bipin298/public_html/storage/framework/sessions/N4Wt8zlDmsj3jv3J6dCjJLRGwuR91XlasJoNeQh6): failed to open stream: Disk quota exceeded', '/home/bipin298/public_html/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Filesystem/Filesystem.php', 122, array('path' => '/home/bipin298/public_html/storage/framework/sessions/N4Wt8zlDmsj3jv3J6dCjJLRGwuR91XlasJoNeQh6', 'contents' => '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', 'lock' => true))
at file_put_contents('/home/bipin298/public_html/storage/framework/sessions/N4Wt8zlDmsj3jv3J6dCjJLRGwuR91XlasJoNeQh6', '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', 2)in Filesystem.php line 122
at Filesystem->put('/home/bipin298/public_html/storage/framework/sessions/N4Wt8zlDmsj3jv3J6dCjJLRGwuR91XlasJoNeQh6', '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', true)in FileSessionHandler.php line 83
at FileSessionHandler->write('N4Wt8zlDmsj3jv3J6dCjJLRGwuR91XlasJoNeQh6', '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')in Store.php line 128
at Store->save()in StartSession.php line 88
at StartSession->terminate(object(Request), object(Response))in Kernel.php line 218
at Kernel->terminateMiddleware(object(Request), object(Response))in Kernel.php line 189
at Kernel->terminate(object(Request), object(Response))in index.php line 60