Endless knot Mandala | Mandalas | Ritual Thanka
Code: 38611

Endless knot Mandala

Size / Weight: 8 x 8 / 200 gms
Material: 24K Gold with acrylic paint on cotton canvas


  • May 2

  • May 4 - May 6

  • May 8 - May 10


Endless knot Mandala

The endless knot is one of the eight auspicious religious signs which is symbolized by a twisted noose. 

The Mandala with an endless knot has been around for centuries and has various interpretations. These Mandalas are also called the glorious knot of eternity and are considered as a wish-fulfilling treasury.

Though its meanings have differently been interpreted in different eras, it primarily reflects the merger of wisdom and technique. Likewise, it also shows that emptiness (Sunyata) and interdependent origination (pratityasamutpada) are deeply interrelated. Likewise, it also reflects the union of wisdom and compassion in enlightenment.

In Vajrayana Buddhism, the endless knot is symbolism for Samsara, which is an endless cycle of birth, death, and rebirth. 

Origin Of Endless knot Mandala

The endless knot symbols were recorded first on the remains of clay tablets from the Indus Valley Civilization in some 2500 BC. Many Hindu and Buddhist and Pali inscriptions also have similar markings in many religious books as well. Hindus believe that the endless knot sign was first offered by Brahma to all buddhas. Though the exact origin story of this sign can't be traced; these Endless Knots have supposedly been around us for a really long time.

Symbolization and Meaning 

An Endless Knot is a very useful mandala for meditation that metaphorically symbolizes Buddha's endless wisdom. 

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5 Reviews
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Amazed by their customer service and collection. Would definitely recommend them to everyone

Really Great Customer Service and very beautiful thangka collection.

This is a magnificent piece of Buddha Shakyamuni thangka. Masterfully executed in rich, vibrant colors with illuminating detail; The silk brocade frame compliments the painting beautifully and forms a focal point in our praying/meditation room I receive the piece earlier than expected in good shape; and prior to purchase, Rajendra was responding quickly and very helpful in providing high resolution picture for my further evaluation. Thank you Rajendra and surely I will be back again.

I was extremely pleased with the quality of the unique thangka I received, as well as the immaculate brocade. Communication with Ritual Thanka has been a pleasure, and shipping was faster than I could have hoped for. Six stars! :)

This is my second purchase - and it will not be my last. Service is fast and efficient. My first thanka came incredibly well packaged.

This is one of the most beautiful artworks I’ve ever seen. Such detailing, much wow!

Beautiful artwork! Thank you so very much!

Excellent- the paintings are beautiful and exactly as listed in the photos! The communication was great! I will definitely buy again from this seller!

Beautiful Thangka paintings- exactly as in the photos, top fast delivery! Excellent communication! Will definitely buy again from this seller!

I have been blessed to procure most of my Thangkas in Asia so it is an amazing experience to be able to shop online and trust the quality. The owner of the shop is unbelievably helpful and very responsive to any questions. The Thangka arrived in the time promised and very well protected in the packaging. I am very excited to be gently allowing it to unfurl and find a new home on my wall to bless all that pass before it. Om

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