Kalachakra Yidam Deity of the highest yoga tantra | Yidams | Ritual Thanka
Code: 47206

Kalachakra Yidam Deity of the highest yoga tantra

Size / Weight: 21 x 28.5 inches, 54 x 71 cms /
Material: Pure 24 Carat Gold,Gouache and acrylic colors on Cotton Canvas


  • May 8

  • May 10 - May 12

  • May 14 - May 16


Kalchakra has four faces and tow legs . His front face is blue with bare fangs symbolizing anger , his right face is red embodying attachment , his left is white symbolizing peaceful state and his rear is yellow symbolizing calm abiding . Each has three eyes . His blue face is wrathful . He is adorned with may jewel ornaments , such as earrings , bracelets , necklace , crown , bangles and anklets and so on . He wears a tiger skin . Of his 24 arms , 12 arms are on each side . The first four arms are black , the middle red and the last four arms are white .

The first of the black arms embraces the consort and wields a vajra ; the second , a sword , the third , a trident , and the fourth , a cleaver . The first of the right red hands holds a flaming arrow , the second , a long handled vajra hook , the third , a Damaru , and the fourth , a hammer . The first right white hand holds a wheel , the second , a sword *(Sanskrit : kunta ) , the third , a jeweled stick , and the fourth , and axe.

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5 Reviews
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Amazed by their customer service and collection. Would definitely recommend them to everyone

Really Great Customer Service and very beautiful thangka collection.

This is a magnificent piece of Buddha Shakyamuni thangka. Masterfully executed in rich, vibrant colors with illuminating detail; The silk brocade frame compliments the painting beautifully and forms a focal point in our praying/meditation room I receive the piece earlier than expected in good shape; and prior to purchase, Rajendra was responding quickly and very helpful in providing high resolution picture for my further evaluation. Thank you Rajendra and surely I will be back again.

I was extremely pleased with the quality of the unique thangka I received, as well as the immaculate brocade. Communication with Ritual Thanka has been a pleasure, and shipping was faster than I could have hoped for. Six stars! :)

This is my second purchase - and it will not be my last. Service is fast and efficient. My first thanka came incredibly well packaged.

The thangka looks even more beautiful in person. The thangka arrived earlier than I expected and it was packaged very well. The seller answered all my questions promptly and kept me up to date with shipping details ect. I highly recommend buying from this seller and I look forward to purchasing paintings from them in the future. Thank you RitualThanka!

Great communication. Item as described and tracking info sent was prompt. I should have also ordered the frame from them. Maybe the next order. ***Update - got a frame from another seller but wanted to show that the Mantra Mandala is as stated.

This Thangka is a masterpiece! Absolutely beautiful! I'm very happy to have this painting! The seller was super kind and helpful! Excellent store service! Highly recommended! Thank you!

I can't recommend this seller enough. They sent the thangka promptly. It off even more beautiful than the pictures can portray.

Beautiful thankga, fast shipping, and great communication. Thank you so much!

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