Om Mantra Mandala Tibetan Handmade Original Quality Thangka | Mandalas | Ritual Thanka
Code: 9095

Om Mantra Mandala Tibetan Handmade Original Quality Thangka

Size / Weight: 14 x 14 inches /


Free Shipping

  • May 14

  • May 16 - May 18

  • May 20 - May 22


What is a Thangka painting?
The Tibetan word Thangka means an unfolding painting, where the word Thang stands for an unfolding scroll and Ka means a painting. Thangka paintings, as a whole, are a visual representation of Buddhist deities, scenes, or mandalas, painted on silk or cotton canvas.

Thangka Paintings follow a generic principle of composition, design, and iconography. It is made following tradition and guidelines while leaving spaces for personal creativity and expression. In Buddhist culture, Thangka Paintings hold high religious values. In a way, it is also a tool that facilitates the realization of one's true nature or the nature of reality

Mantra Mandala Handmade Buddhist Thangka:

Mantras belong to the Buddhist classification of dharani. It is a collection of syllables recited for the benefit of oneself and all the sentient beings. The meaning of mantra is ‘man’ mind, ‘tra’ to protect - to protect the mind. Mantras are verbal formulas used by Buddhists to protect the mind from distraction and unwholesomeness.

Mantras can also be classified as wisdom ,protective, healing, and memory enhancing. For healing and mental health issues mantras can also be edible. Written on rice paper or extremely thin edible Tibetan paper with consumable dye or ink the mantras are often created with wood block print stamps or hand written at times.

A mandala depicts in two-dimensional form the three-dimensional space inhabited by the deity. The bird’s-eye-view centralizes the main deity within concentric squares, circles and borders of his associated lineage and related figures, arranged in order of importance .

Mantra is recited to Enhance ones level of Concentration which helps to Check your mental thoughts . Our thoughts and Actions leads to Good or Bad Karma. By Reciting Mantras you Gain Merits which helps you have a Joyful Life .

Size: 14"/ 36 cm (width) x 14"/ 36 cm (height)
Materials: Cotton Canvas, Acrylic Colors, Genuine 24K Gold

-Not mounted on a traditional brocade
-Tibetan Silk brocade is available in a variety of colors and quality
-Price ranges from $35 to $100 depending upon the silk quality
-Additional 3 business days for this service
-Free Shipping
-Standard Courier Services
-4-10 business days for delivery
-All items are insured
Return Policy:
-Returns are accepted within 60 business days.
-You can ship either to Nepal or Texas (USA), whichever works better for you.
We will be more than happy to answer all your questions.
Please contact us to:
- Custom order a thangka of any Vajrayana deity. Usually, it takes 2-5 months (depending on complexity) to finish such a thangka of average size.

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5 Reviews
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Absolutely mesmerizing, amazing quality, and great service. Highly recomended. Rare thangkas made with lota of Love.

Ritual Thanka delivered an exquisite piece beautifully painted and expertly sewn onto fabric.The thanka was carefully packaged and sent.We communicated several times,and the responses received were pertinent and pleasant.Supreme and company get the highest rating from me. Jim G.

Thangka very nice. Same as picture.

Beautiful items and fantastic feedback from customer service about shipping...

so beautiful and precious, thank you

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